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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Snatch Push Press+ OHS: 3+3×4 (perform 10-15 banded snap pull apart or crossover symmetry in between sets) 3 Pos Snatch: 4 working sets(Perform no leg, high hang muscle snatch in between sets to work bar path) Back Squat: 7×3 stay lighter today(Perform banded lateral glute walks in between sets) THENThree Sets of: DB Death March: 20 stepsBarbell Hip Bridges w/


adminTuesday, August 24, 2021

 by  in Uncategorized

Saturday, August 21, 2021

TRAINING Jerk Balance+ Behind the neck push press in jerk split stance: (3+3) x 3 On the jerk balance, have the barbell in the front rack position and feet in half split position.  The focus is on getting the front foot out WITHOUT your momentum going forward!  Keep your weight centered on your hips rather than heavy on the front leg. Pause


adminSaturday, August 21, 2021

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Friday, August 20, 2021

TRAINING Jerk Balance+ Behind the neck push press in jerk split stance: (3+3) x 3 On the jerk balance, have the barbell in the front rack position and feet in half split position.  The focus is on getting the front foot out WITHOUT your momentum going forward!  Keep your weight centered on your hips rather than heavy on the front leg. Pause


adminFriday, August 20, 2021

 by  in Uncategorized

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

TRAINING Snatch Balance + OHS (2+1) x 5 Power Snatch+ Snatch: (2+1) x 2, (1+1) x 3. Move up in weight each set but keep your movement snappy and fast! Try and go higher than last week. Front Squat: 4×4. Move up in weight each set. Work up to a challenging set of 4. THEN 3 Sets: Hollow Holds or


adminWednesday, August 18, 2021

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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

TRAINING Push Jerk+ Jerk (2+2) x 3, (2+1) x 2. Move up in weight each set. Try and go heavier than last week. (Mark your proper foot position and do 10 jerk lands with no weight in between sets. Check with Coach for pointers.) Clean Deadlift to 2” off the ground (pause for 2 seconds) + Clean + Jerk: (2+1+1)


adminTuesday, August 17, 2021

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Monday, August 16, 2021

TRAINING Snatch push press+ OHS + Snatch Balance (2+2+1) x3sets, (1+2+1) x 2sets  (Perform 10 Banded Scap Pull Aparts or crossover symmetry in between sets) 2 Pos Snatch: (Above the knee + Floor) x 5 working sets (meaning.. don’t count your warm up sets as part of the 5 sets! “Warm up sets” generally end around 60-65%) Try and go


adminMonday, August 16, 2021

 by  in Uncategorized

Saturday, August 14, 2021

WEIGHTLIFTING: Heavy snatch FOR THE DAY Heavy DL FOR THE DAY THEN 3 Sets: Front Rack Bulgarian split squats x 8 each leg Strict Knees to chest into hanging L-sit x 10-15. Super slow and controlled. Hold each position for 2 seconds.  If you have a sled or prowler, do some heavy sprints! 3 sprints that take about 15 seconds.


adminSaturday, August 14, 2021

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