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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

New Cycle: Week 1, Day 1 Strength: 5 rounds – Every 2:30 minutes, complete: 5x strict press (Start off at a relatively heavy weight and take small jumps each round.  Pause for 1 full second at the top of the press) –superset with max rep strict muscle up Work Capacity: Complete as many rounds as possible in 14 minutes of: -5x muscle


adminTuesday, June 1, 2021

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Friday, May 28, 2021

STRENGTH 1: Snatch Push Press + OHS: 3+3. Move up in weight each set until you hit a challenging set of 3. THEN 3 Rounds DB Death March: 20 steps ( Barbell Hip Bridges w/ resistance band around knees12 GHD Sit-ups THEN 12 min AMRAP5x Power Snatch (95#/65#)120 Single Unders (or 40 Double Unders) Optional Additional Strength Back Squat: 8×3.


adminFriday, May 28, 2021

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Foundations Class

WOD 1 3 Rounds:400 m Run10 KBS & 10 Knees to Chest or3 Rounds:400 m Run10 Light KBS & 10 Leg Lifts WOD 2 20 Bulgarian Split Squats10 Burpees10 Knee Raises15 Bulgarian Split Squats15 Burpees10 Knee Raises10 Bulgarian Split Squats20 Burpees10 Knee Raises5 Bulgarian Split Squats25 Burpees10 Knee Raises ROM 2 min neck stretch per leg 3 fold over2 min


adminFoundations Class

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Monday, May 25, 2021

Strength:  1) Snatch – Work up to a max for the day 2) Push press – Work up to a 2 rep max for the day. Work Capacity: Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of: -5x overhead squat (95#/65#) -5x calories on Assault bike Core: 3 rounds, not timed: -max rep strict ring dips -max rep strict chin ups

adminMonday, May 25, 2021

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Wednesday, May 25, 2021

WARM-UPFor time:20 Partner deadlifts (455#)20 Handstand push-ups20 Partner deadlifts (315#)20 Handstand push-ups20 Handstand push-ups20 Partner deadlifts (455#)20 Handstand push-ups20 Partner deadlifts (315#) Team Event 1For time:20 Partner deadlifts (455#)20 Handstand push-ups20 Partner deadlifts (315#)20 Handstand push-ups20 Handstand push-ups20 Partner deadlifts (455#)20 Handstand push-ups20 Partner deadlifts (315#) Individual Event 1:‘Diane’25-15-9reps for time of:Deadlift(225/155 pounds).HandstandPush-ups. In 10min:3xProne Pillar 1minRight Oblique 30secSupine Plank


Wednesday, May 25, 2021

 by  in Uncategorized

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Strength:  1) Back squat – Work up to a 1 rep max. 2) Shoulder press – Work up to a 1 rep max. 3) Deadlift – Work up to a 1 rep max. Work Capacity: Complete the following in as few rounds as possible: 1) Every 3 minutes, complete: -500m row -Max rep strict HSPU *Rest 60 seconds between rounds. Repeat for as


adminSaturday, May 22, 2021

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Friday, May 21, 2021

Strength:  1) Clean + jerk: Work up to a max for the day. Then 1+1 @ 95% and 1+1 x 2 sets @ 90%. 2) Front squat: Work up to a 2 rep max for the day. Then 2 reps x 1 set @ 95% and 2 reps x 1 set @ 90%. 3) Power jerk: Work up to a 2 rep


adminFriday, May 21, 2021

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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Strength:  1) Snatch – Work up to a max for the day 2) Push press – Work up to a 2 rep max for the day. Work Capacity: Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of: -5x overhead squat (95#/65#) -5x calories on Assault bike Core: 3 rounds, not timed: -max rep strict ring dips -max rep strict chin ups

adminThursday, May 20, 2021

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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Warmup Strength: 1) Power clean + power jerk: Work up to a 1x power clean + 1x power jerk max for the day. Then 1+1 @ 95% and 1+1 x 2 sets @ 90%. 2) Back squat: Work up to a 2 rep max for the day. 3) Split jerk: Work up to a 2 rep max for the day. Work


adminWednesday, May 19, 2021

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