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Saturday, March 13, 2021

WARMUP: See Board Bar WARM-Up: DL+HMC+ FS+ Press 10ea MC+HC+ PP 5ea HCP+HPC+ PJ 3ea CP+HC+ Jerk Alt. Leg 3ea Strict Press 1×3/35% 1×3/50%, 1×3/60%, 1×3/70%, 1×3/75% Snatch 1×3/35% 1×3/50%, 1×3/60%, 1×3/70%, 1×3/75% Clean 1×3/35% 1×3/50%, 1×3/60%, 1×3/70%, 1×3/75% 13.1 WOD #1 Open Workout 13.117 minute AMRAP of:40 Burpees30 Snatch, 75 / 45 lbs30 Burpees30 Snatch, 135 / 75 lbs20


adminSaturday, March 13, 2021

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Friday, March 12, 2021

Warm-Up:1. Cardio 800m2. Inchworm complex x 3 3. 3 Rnds: 10 KBS, 10 KB Figure 8s, 10 KB Step Ups4. Barbell Warmup5. Foam Roll, free banded stretching STRENGTH: 1. Front Squat: 12, 10, 8, 62. Glute Bridges: 12 x 43. Bulgarian Split Squats: 8 x 44. Single Leg Romanian DL: 12 x 45. Standing Calf Raises (w/ wt): 12 x


adminFriday, March 12, 2021

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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

WARM-UP in 8 min:1x10ea1. Leg Swing. 6. Step Up2. Supine Scorpion. 7. Grasshopper3. V-Roll. 8. Sumo Squat Touch Down4. Prone Scorpion.5. Plaunch Push Up+WalkOut+Sun Sal.Row 500m STRENGTH: DumbellsArnold Press: 12, 10, 8, 6Bench Press: 10 x 4Incline Fly: 12 x 3Cross Bench Dips (weighted if desired): 3 x 10 MetCon, In 25min:Hang Power Clean Coach-um Up Ladder5 Total Sets &


adminWednesday, March 10, 2021

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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

STRENGTH: 1. Back Squat: 12, 10, 8, 6, 42. Bulgarian Split Squat: 10 ea leg x 4 sets3. Romanian Deadlift: 10 x 4 METCON, In 10min:3 Rounds200m Run10 Push Ups15 KB Swings 24kg/16kg CASH-OUT: GHD Sit-Ups 4×102min Sampson Strertch (1min ea)1min Goblet Squat Low Hold (24kg/16kg)

adminTuesday, March 9, 2021

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Monday, March 8, 2021

WARM-UP in 8 min:1x10ea1. Leg Swing. 6. Step Up2. Supine Scorpion. 7. Grasshopper3. V-Roll. 8. Sumo Squat Touch Down4. Prone Scorpion. 9. Ninja Get Up5. Plaunch Push Up+WalkOut+Sun Sal. Row 500m Bar Warm upSn Deadlift+HMS+SP+OHS+Sotos Press 1x5ea. MS+PSB+OHS+Sotos Press 1x5ea.HSP+PS+HS+Sn Land+Sn Drop 1x3ea.SP+HPS+HDS+SB+HSB 1x3ea. Low Snatch Pull 1×3/35% 1×3/60%, 1×3/70%, 1×3/75%High Snatch Pull 1×3/35% 1×3/60%, 1×3/70%, 1×3/75%Low Clean Pull 1×3/35%


adminMonday, March 8, 2021

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Friday, March 5, 2021

Warm-Up: 500m CardioHigh Kick: 2 Arm, 1 LegHigh Knee Tuck + Lunge w/ Spiderman2 Arm, 1 Leg + Reverse Lunge w/ Opp. Heel TouchButterfly Stretch + Bi-lateral Lunge15 Scap Pull Ups + 10 Pull Ups + 5 Chin UpsBarbell Warmup with Coach, then Bar Work together Muscle Snatch w/straps 5×2-3/70% (Light) Push Press 3×3/70% Good Morining 5×5/70% Front Squat 3×3/70%


adminFriday, March 5, 2021

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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Strength In 15min:Block Push Jerk -MTR- 3-2-1-1-1 In 15min:“Bear Patch”For time 4 Rounds of:3 Rep of each Burpee Deadlift + Hang Clean + Thruster + Rack Thruster @ 155/105lbs without taking your hands off the bar.30 Double Undders In 6min:Flex. Core Work:3xA.a1. 30sec Supine Ad.a2. 15sec ea Oblique Dipa3. 30sec Cobraa4. 30sec Russian Twist

adminThursday, March 4, 2021

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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Warm-Up: See Board Strength: Front Squats: 12, 10, 8, 6 “Quadrathlon” Event #2“Gwen Jefferson”In 15min:AHAP 15 Rep Clean & JerkAHAP 12 Clean & JerkAHAP 9 Clean & Jerk Rest 5min Event #3In 10min:Max High Box Jump no step Rest 8min Event # 4“Eva”In 30min:Five rounds for time of:Run 800 meters30 Kettlebell swing 32kg/24kg30 Pull-ups

adminWednesday, March 3, 2021

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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Warm-Up: WARMUP1x10eaA. Leg SwingB. Supine Scorpion V-Roll Prone Scorpion Step Up to 20”Box (5/leg)F. Grasshopper: Complex 4X: Inchworm + Up Dog to Downward Dog WOD: Run 1.5 mile, rest, Row for 3/4 of Run time. CORE: 3 Rounds 10 each: GHD Sit-Ups, Turkish Get-Ups, Side Dips

adminTuesday, March 2, 2021

Showing 11–20 of 20 results