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Monday, February 1, 2021

BARBELL CLUB (AM) Barbell Only Warm-Up, In 5min:Sn. Press + OHS + HMS + Sn. Dead 10eaSn. PP + Sn. Land + Sn. Drop + HPS + Sn. 5eaHang Sn. High Pull + HPS + Hang Sn. + Sn. 3ea In 10min:2″ Def Snatch Pull -RFH- 3-3-3-*3 In 10min:Front Squat -RFH- 3-3-3-*3 In 15min:Snatch -MTR- 3-2-1-1-1 In 10min:Snatch (-20% of


adminMonday, February 1, 2021

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Friday, January 29, 2021

Warm-Up: Row 400m1x10eaV-RollInchworm ComplexScapular Push-UpsFold OversTwisted CrossBarbell Warmup: 10 ea DL, PC, FS, PP, SJ In 25 min:Back squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:155 pound Deadlift, 15 reps15 Deficit push-ups*, hands on 25 pound plates (*Scaled: push-ups)15 Box jumps, 24″ box (*Scaled: Step-ups) Core Training in 10 min:3xFull GHD Sit Ups


adminFriday, January 29, 2021

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

WARMUP: 7min:1000m Row10ea Pass throughs w/ shoulder up & shoulder down10ea Way Around the Worlds PVC Sn Drill on Coaches Call10-20 PS w/ 5-10sec holds at bottom and top In 5min:Bar Technique in 10min:Dead+HHMC+FS+Press+PP 5eaMC+HPC+DFS+RPress+RPP 3eaPC+HC+PJ+Jerk 3ea3 Pos. Clean (Pull & Squat) + 3 Pos. Push Jerk (Land) 1ea STRENGTH: In 15minFront Squat 5×3/RFH METCON: Running Clock: Score:In 5min:Run/Row 1000


adminWednesday, January 27, 2021

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Monday, January 25, 2021

Warm-Up: 400m, 3X Downward dog complex, 15 scapular pushups, wrist mobility 2 min, 3 rounds of 10 ea KB Figure 8, KBS & GHD sit-ups Bar Warm Up: In 5min:Bar Technique in 10min:SD+HHMS+SnP+PSB+OH Squat 5eaMS+HPS+HSB+SB+Sotts Press 3ea3 Pos. Sn (Pull & Squat) 2eaSnatch Strength: In 15minSnatch Push Press or Sn PJ + Overhead Squat 5×1+3/RFH MetCon: “Diane”Cap = 12min21-15-9 reps


adminMonday, January 25, 2021

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Friday, January 22, 2021

Warm-Up: 10 min: Bike/Row 200mHigh Kicks, then 2 Arm, 1 LegHigh Knee Tuck + Lunge w/ Spiderman2 Arm, 1 Leg + Reverse Lunge w/ Opp. Heel TouchStretches: fold over, twisted cross, puppy15 Scap Pull Ups10 Scap Push UpsWrist mobility 90 seconds Bar Technique in 5 min:Dead+HHMS+OHS+SPress+SPP (1+1+1+1+1) (5 sets) MS+HPS+OHS+SPress+SPP (1+1+1+1+1) (3 sets) Olympic Lift Training in 15min:Narrow Grip Snatch:


adminFriday, January 22, 2021

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Wednesday, December 6, 2021

WARM-UP: With Running Clock to 12 minutes:0-2:00: Row2:00-5:00: 3 Widening Inchworm Complex + 10 shoulder shrugs in push-up position5:00-7:00: Wrist Mobility on Floor (2 min) 6:307:00-12:00: Practice Jump Rope Side Unders Complete in 10min:20 KB Swing20 KB Woodchops10 (5ea) 1 Arm KB Snatch+OH Squat+Zotes Press10 (5ea) 1 Arm KB Clean+Front Squat+Press+Split Jerk5 2-Arm KB Snatch+OH Squat+Zotes Press5 2-Arm KB


adminWednesday, December 6, 2021