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Friday, November 27, 2020

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Warm-Up: TBA Drills:ThrustersPull-Ups to LeversPlaunche Push-Ups Turky Shoot Out WOD #1“Annie”50-40-3-20-10Double UndersSit Ups WOD #2“Fran”21-15-9:Thrusters 65lbs &Pull Ups WOD #3“Up-Down Karen”150 Wall Balls150 Burpees

adminFriday, November 27, 2020

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

ROMWOD: Legs & Spine (date: 11242020): 12 minute version, including Mobility: wrist, shoulder, smash/roll 3 Rounds: 5 WBS – 10 Back Extensions – 5 Scapular Push-Ups + Push-Up STRENGTH: Snatch-Grip DL: MTR 5-5-5-5-5 AUXILIARY STRENGTH: Pendlay Row: 10-10-10-10-10 METCON:“Split-Ups”5 Rounds10 ea Leg Wt’d Bulgarian Split Squats15 GHD Sit Ups

adminWednesday, November 25, 2020

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Mobility: OG Body Hardening (10mins)3×10/5ea w/ 1min restDB Push Up + Ren. Row + Hop Up (feet outside of DB) + SDHP + HPC (NG) + FS + Hammer Curls + Press In 10minWarm Up3ea/35% 2ea/50% 2ea/60% 2ea/70% Power Clean + Hang Clean + Push Press + Push Jerk + N.G. Overhead Squat of 1RM Clean & JerkThen:8x1ea/75% Power Clean


adminTuesday, November 24, 2020

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Monday, November 23rd, 2020

WARM-UP: (10mins.)Plyometric Training100 Double UnderInchworm Complex 3xRocket Jumps 3×6Split Jumps 3×6Prancing 3x6eaGalloping 3x10eaFast Skipping 3x10eaAnkle Flip 3×12Back Extensions 3x6eaShoulder/Wrist Mobility Strength: In 25min:Back Squat 5/60%, 5/70%, 6×6/80%GHD Sit-Ups following each set of back squats) METCON: OC ThrowDown WOD #3 AMRAP 204 Muscle Ups 6 Overhead Squats9 Toes 2 bar Weights and Substitutions Men (135#)Scaled Men (95# and 3 Muscle Ups


adminMonday, November 23rd, 2020

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Saturday, November 21, 2021

WARM-UP: (10mins.)Plyometric Training100 Double UnderPogo 3×10Rocket Jumps 3×8Split Jumps 3×8Prancing 3x4eaGalloping 3x12eaFast Skipping 3x12eaAnkle Flip 3×10Single-Leg Bound 3x8eaLateral Bound w/ Hold (On coach) 3x6ea/12ea “1/3 Clovis”: Run 3.3 miles, then 50 Burpee Pull-ups Clovis Army 1st Lt. Clovis T. Ray died March 15, 2012 serving during Operation Enduring Freedom. Ray, 34, of San Antonio, TX; assigned to the 2nd Battalion,


adminSaturday, November 21, 2021

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Warm-Up: (10mins.)500m RowMed Ball Plyos3x8eaMed-Ball OH Figure 8 WalkMed-Ball Wall BallMed-Ball Half twist throwMed-Ball Trans. Russian Twist1min Rest In 10min:KB Woodchops 10-101 Arm KB Snatch+OH Squat+Zotes Press 3-2-1ea2 Arm KB Snatch+OH Squat+Zotes Press 3-2-1ea In 20min:Deadlift 5/40%, 5/50, 10×3/60%Bulgarian Split Squats 6ea Leg (30-80lbs)(perform 1 set of BSS immediately following each set of Deadlifts) Mo’vember6pm MoWOD35#/15# dumbbells21-15-9[200m Row (or Run


adminWednesday, November 18, 2020

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Monday, November 16, 2020

Plyometric Training (10mins.)100 Double UnderPogo 3×10Rocket Jumps 3×8Split Jumps 3×8Prancing 3x4eaGalloping 3x12eaFast Skipping 3x12eaBack Extensions 3×10Chest down on Bench Leg lift with band 3x6ea/12eaLateral Leg Pull-out with band 3x6ea/12ea Mobility: Wrist, ankle rolls, Spri Roll-out & LaCrosse Ball Smashing Ten Way Bar Warm Up (10mins): 3×10 w/ 1min rest(5ea) DL + RDL + BOR + HMC + FS + Press


adminMonday, November 16, 2020

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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Plyometric Training (10 min)100 Double UnderPogo 2-3×8-10Rocket Jumps 2×6Split Jumps 2×6Prancing 2x6eaGalloping 2x10eaFast Skipping 2x10eaAnkle Flip 2×12Single-Leg Bound 2x6eaLateral Bound w/ Hold (On coach) 2x6ea/12ea OG Plate Warm Up (10mins.)2-3×10/5ea w/ 1min restOH Rotation + Rotation + Wood-chop + Lateral Wood-chop + HPS + Lunge w/ Twist + OH Re. Lunge + Lateral Lunge + Ninja Get Up Strength: Deadlift


adminSaturday, November 14, 2020

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Friday, November 13, 2020

Warm-Up: (10mins.)Plyometric Training100 Double UnderPogo 2-3×8-10Rocket Jumps 2×6Split Jumps 2×6Prancing 2x6eaGalloping 2x10eaFast Skipping 2x10eaAnkle Flip 2×12Single-Leg Bound 2x6eaLateral Bound w/ Hold (On coach) 2x6ea/12ea Mobility (10 mins): OG Plate Warm Up2-3×10/5ea w/ 1min restOH Rotation + Rotation + Wood-chop + Lateral Wood-chop + HPS + Lunge w/ Twist + OH Re. Lunge + Lateral Lunge + Ninja Get Up Skill


adminFriday, November 13, 2020

Showing 1–10 of 18 results