by  in Uncategorized

Monday, July 1, 2019

Weightlifting Bench Press (3-3-3-3-3) 10 @ BB 5 @ 50% 5 @ 60% 3 @ 65% 3 @ 75% 3 @ 80% 3 @ Heavy 3 @ 90% of today’s heavy Metcon Metcon (Time) 10 Rounds: 10 Dumbbell Strict Presses 10 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows 50 Double-unders OR 75 Singles 1:00 Rest between rounds You pick weight. Score is total time. Put


adminMonday, July 1, 2019

 by  in Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 26, 2109

Weightlifting Bench Press (3-3-3-3-3) 10 @ BB 5 @ 40% 5 @ 50% 5 @ 65% 3 @ 70% 3 @ 80% 3 @ 85% 3 @ Heavy 2×3 @ 85% of today’s heavy Metcon Metcon (No Measure) THIS WORKOUT WILL NOT BE TIMED! 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Dumbbell Front squats Strict HSPU 100m Run/Jog between rounds The focus of this workout is to try


adminWednesday, June 26, 2109

 by  in Uncategorized

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Warm-up 2 Rounds: :30 Row or Bike :30 Wall-sit (focus on squeezing your abs) 5 Arnold Presses each arm w/DB 10 Alternating Reverse Lunges holding DB Then with Barbell: 5 Deadlifts + 5 Hang Power Cleans + 5 Push Jerks Add some weight and repeat one more time. Then add on the weight you are going to use for your


adminTuesday, June 25, 2019

 by  in Uncategorized

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Warm-up 2 Rounds: :30 Row or Bike :30 Wall-sit (focus on squeezing your abs) 5 Arnold Presses each arm w/DB 10 Alternating Reverse Lunges holding DB Then with Barbell: 5 Deadlifts + 5 Hang Power Cleans + 5 Push Jerks Add some weight and repeat one more time. Then add on the weight you are going to use for your


adminTuesday, June 25, 2019

 by  in Uncategorized

Monday, June 24, 2019

Weightlifting Paused Front Squat (2-2-2-2-2) 5 @ BB 5 @ 40% 3 @ 50% 3 @ 60% 2 @ 70% 2 @ 80% 2 @ Heavy 3×2 @ 85% of today’s heavy FULL PAUSE AT THE BOTTOM OF EACH SQUAT! Accessory Metcon (No Measure) 3 Sets: 30 Medicine Ball Russian Twists 30 Ring Mountain Climbers (2ct) 20 Banded Good Mornings 20 Kettlebell


adminMonday, June 24, 2019

 by  in Uncategorized

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Strength / Skillwork Deadlift 10-3-3-3-3 / 3 / 3-3-3 10 @ BB 3 @ 50% 3 @ 60% 3 @ 75% 3 @ 80% 3 @ heavy  3×3 @ 80% of today’s heavy set PAUSE AT THE BOTTOM OF EACH REP. NO DROPPING THE BARBELL – CONTROL THE DESCENT. WOD 4 Rounds: :35 KB Figure 8’s w/uppercut :35 Lunge Jumps  :35


adminSaturday, June 22, 2019

 by  in Uncategorized

Friday, June 21, 2019

Strength / Skillwork Back Squat 10-3-3-3-3 / 3 / 3-3-3 10 @ BB 3 @ 50% 3 @ 60% 3 @ 75% 3 @ 80% 3 @ heavy  3×3 @ 80% of today’s heavy set WOD PICK ONLY ONE OF THE WORKOUTS! EMOTM for 15 Minutes: :15 Assault Bike Sprint  Write down calories on a whiteboard after each round. Score is


adminFriday, June 21, 2019

 by  in Uncategorized

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hang Snatch 5-3-3-3-2-2-2 5 @ BB 3 @ 40% 3 @ 50% 3 @ 65% 3×2 @ 75% TODAY IS NOT THE DAY TO GO HEAVY! FOCUS ON FORM AT YOUR 75%. DO NOT GO HEAVIER THAN THAT. WOD EMOTM for 6 Minutes w/Death-by at 7+: 6 Deadlifts 6 Over the bar burpees Rx: 50% of 1RM Deadlift  The first


adminThursday, June 20, 2019

 by  in Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Warm-up 5 sets: :30 Glute Bridges :30 Knee Abductions then: 10 Overhead band Pull-aparts 30 Band Tricep Push downs (hang band from pull-up bar) Weightlifting Paused Front Squat (2-2-2-2-2) 5 @ BB 2 @ 40% 2 @ 50% 2 @ 60% 2 @ 75% 2 @ 80% 2 @ heavy 3×2 @ 80% of today’s heavy set Accessory Metcon (No Measure) 3


adminWednesday, June 19, 2019

 by  in Uncategorized

Tuesday, June 18, 2109

Warm-up 2:00 Heart rate: Bike, Row, Run, Jump Rope Then, with a partner and a Medicine Ball: 20 Chest Passes 20 Side Passes (10 Left/10 Right) 20 Wallballs 20 MB Sit-ups 20 Plank Throws Metcon Metcon (Time) 400m Run Buy-in Then, 3 Rounds of: 30 Plate Ground to Overheads 20 Lunge to Step-ups 10 Calorie Row or Bike 1:00 rest between


adminTuesday, June 18, 2109

Showing 1–10 of 21 results