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Monday, May 20, 2019

Strength / Skillwork Front Squat 10-8-5-5-3-1-1 BB-50-65-75-85-90-PR WOD Partner WOD 4 Rounds for time (16:00 Cap): 100 ft Wheel Barrow 30 Alt. partner wall ball 20/14# [See below] 15 Syncro DB Snatches 30/20# [45/30#] Alternate who is the wheel barrow at 50′ mark. On the Wall Balls for Rx+ both partners squat each time, i.e. each partner will throw ball


adminMonday, May 20, 2019

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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Register for Memorial Day Murph Community WOD! Community WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Scaled – 30:00 AMRAP 5 jumping pull-ups 10 knee push-ups/ push-ups 20 walking lunges Rx – 30:00 AMRAP 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 single-leg squats to a 12″ box, alternating Rx+ – 30:00 AMRAP 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups 15 push-ups 20 single-leg squats, alternating *After every


adminSaturday, May 18, 2019

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Friday, May 17, 2019

Murph WOD – Sat. 5/25 Register  WOD Metcon (Time) 3 rounds for time of: Row 250 meters 12 squat snatches 45/30# [75/45#] 21 knee push-ups [PR push-ups] PR = palm release This is a light workout meant to be an all out sprint, but make sure you have good form on all movements. Strength / Skillwork Shoulder Press (10-8-8-5-3-3) BB-50-65-85-90-PR Push Press (5-5-3-3)


adminFriday, May 17, 2019

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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Murph WOD – Sat. 5/25 Don’t forget to Register Strength / Skillwork Clean (8-5-5-3-3 / 1-1-1 / 5-5) SQUAT CLEANS (unless you have good reason not to) BB-50-60-75-85% / 90-95-PR% / 65-65% Warm-up / Max. lifts / Work on form WOD Metcon (Time) For time: (Cap 10:00) 15 push presses 5 rope climbs 12 push presses 4 rope climbs 9 push presses


adminThursday, May 16, 2019

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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Murph WOD – Sat. 5/25 Register with Coach Rachel   Strength / Skillwork Front Squat (10-8-8-5-3-3-3) BB-50-65-85-90-90-PR WOD Nicole (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20-Minute AMRAP of: 400m Run Max Rep Pull-ups Enter the following for the score: 0 in the rounds # of Runs x reps in the reps Be careful with the pull-up volume on this one. If you have


adminWednesday, May 15, 2019

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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Specialty Classes Yoga – 7:30pm Strength / Skillwork 1000m Row Deadlift 10-8-8-5-3-3-3 BB-50-65-85-90-90-PR WOD 10:00 AMRAP 10 x 5 yd. Shuttle Run (Pole to pole) 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″* 10 T2B *Burpees need to be performed perpendicular to the boxes. Elements Do main WOD today

adminTuesday, May 14, 2019

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Monday, May 13, 2019

WOD 2017 Regional Event 3 For time (cap 16:00): 100-ft. dumbbell overhead walking lunge 100 double-unders 50 wall-ball Rope climb, 10 ascents 50 wall-ball 100 double-unders 100-ft. dumbbell overhead walking lunge Rx+ Men use an single 80-lb. dumbbell and 30-lb. ball. Women use a single 55-lb. dumbbell and 20-lb. ball. Rx Men use a single 45-lb. dumbbell and 20-lb. ball.


adminMonday, May 13, 2019

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

WOD Only attempt the full Miron WOD as Rxd if you’ve been doing CrossFit consistently for 6+ months and for 4+ times per week. This is heavy and a lot of volume. The back squats and deadlifts should not be more than 75% of your 1RM. Be smart. You have options today. Miron (Time) 5 rounds for time of: 800-meter run


adminSaturday, May 11, 2019

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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Strength / Skillwork Front Squat (10-8-8-5-5-5-5) BB-50-65-85-85-85-85 WOD Metcon (Time) For time: (Cap 25:00) 150 single-unders 20 pull-ups [12 bar muscle-ups] 10 squat cleans 85/55# [115/75#] 150 single-unders 15 pull-ups [9 bar muscle-ups] 15 squat cleans 85/55# [115/75#] 150 single-unders 10 pull-ups [6 bar muscle-ups] 20 squat cleans 85/55# [115/75#] 150 single-unders Yes! Single-unders. No double-unders today for any level! This isn’t


adminWednesday, May 8, 2019

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Friday, May 10, 2019

Strength / Skillwork Bench Press (10-8-8-5-5-5-5) BB-50-65-85-85-85-85 WOD Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds for time of: Run 200m 15 SDHP KB 70/55# [BB 105/75#] 15 Box Jumps 24/20″ w/ step-ups allowed [No step-ups] Elements Do main WOD today.

adminFriday, May 10, 2019

Showing 11–20 of 26 results