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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Specialty Classes Yoga – 9:30 am Strength / Skillwork Jump Rope Work Back Squat 10-8-5-5-8 40-55-75-85-65% Handstand Walk 10′ – 10′ – 10′ – Max – Max Weighted Pull-ups 10-8-5-5-8 40-55-75-85-65% If you can’t do a pull-up, then do them with bands and use a thinner band each set, i.e. start w/ a band where you can do 10 good


adminTuesday, March 5, 2019

 by  in Uncategorized

Monday, March 4, 2019

Strength / Skillwork Sumo Deadlift 8-8-5-5-5-5 50-65-70-75-85-85% WOD Partner Deck O Cards (Work through deck for time with a partner drawing cards for each other) H – DB Thrusters 20/15s [30/20s] D – Ring rows [Pull-ups] C – Box Jumps 24/20″ [30/24″] S – Push-ups [Clapping push-ups] Joker – Both do 15 Burpees 1-10 Do # indicated Face Cards =


adminMonday, March 4, 2019

Showing 21–24 of 24 results